• www.samahar.org.in is representing “SAMAHAR NATYA GOSTHEE” via digital platform only to enable larger audience & well wishers world wide, hence association with “SAMAHAR” follows existing rules & regulations of Samahar Natya Gosthee.
  • All are welcome to join “SAMAHAR NATYA GOSTHEE”, having progressive mindset and interest in art & culture.
  • We only encourage progressive discussions & comments, hence user/viewer must take care of conversations.
  • Derogatory/offensive words/languages strictly prohibited.
  • Member should maintain organizational privacy/co-members’ privacy.
  • President of “SAMAHAR NATYA GOSTHEE”, reserves full rights to approve/dis-approve any membership/candidature.
  • President of “SAMAHAR NATYA GOSTHEE”, may call for meeting time to time as & when required.
  • Read & understand “PRIVACY POLICY” of “SAMAHAR NATYA GOSTHEE” before registration.
  • By submitting “Registration Form” means you have duly accepted “Terms of Use” & “Privacy Policy”


A. A person (citizen of India) having loyalty to the constitution of SAMAHAR all have to apply for membership in proper form to be supplied from the office of SAMAHAR.
B. On being satisfied with the loyalty and integrity of the applicant, the executive committee shall approve his application and the decision shall be incorporate in the proceeding book.
C. At the time of admission a fee of Rs 2/- (one rupee for students) together with the fee (Rs 2/- and Rs 1/- for students) for the current month shall have to be deposited to the Treasurer of SAMAHAR.
D. SAMAHAR shall have the provision of conferring “Honourary Membership” on person/persons having commendable contribution to the drama movement.

A. A member shall be expelled for anti-Samahar activities – cultural or organizational, after showing the reason there of and after having been given scope for self-defence. Same shall be the procedure in case of “Honourary Member” too.
B. The final decision on expulsion shall be taken by the General body meeting; however the Executive Committee (E.C.) can suspend a member for valid reason till the General body meeting held.